

Η HTC είναι η μεγάλη νικήτρια της φετινής MWC 2011, καθώς κέρδισε το βραβείο “Producer of the Year 2011″ στα Global Mobile Awards 2011, αφήνοντας πίσω της Apple και Samsung! Το βραβείο παρέλαβε ο Peter Chou, CEO της HTC, ο οποίος
νιώθει δικαιωμένος για την αναγνώριση που λαμβάνει η εταιρία, ενώ δεν παρέλειψε να τονίσει ότι το βραβείο ανήκει στα εκατομμύρια των κατόχων συσκεών HTC!
The award “Producer of the device” represents the highest recognition in the industry
BARCELONA, Spain – Mobile World Congress – February 17, 2011 -HTC Corporation, a global manufacturer of smartphones, has been awarded by GSMA – Global Mobile Awards – as “Producer of the Year”, the most prestigious award in the field of mobile communication, in ‘ context of a ceremony in Barcelona. The award is the result of a year of global growth for HTC and has seen the launch of a broad portfolio of market-leading smartphones like HTC Desire. HTC was chosen from a list of three finalists that included Apple and Samsung.
“HTC To receive this industry recognition of the growth and success earned last year is a great source of pride. Thousands of people work tirelessly to HTC, to create smartphones that’s intuitive and deeply personal experience for which we have become known. This award is a measure of their dedication and passion – says CEO Peter Chou, HTC Corporation.
This award also belongs to the tens of millions of customers around the world who enjoy our phones every day and give us the inspiration to create innovative experiences. To these people, our partners in the world and the whole family HTC go my sincere thanks and congratulations. “
The jury of the GSMA said: “HTC has built” from scratch “its permanent presence in the market with a brand and marketing” cool “and a diverse portfolio, strong devices running on different platforms. In particular, proved to be a producer extraordinarily appreciated by the public, stable and with good communication and good customer service, in short, this award is deserved. “
HTC had previously been rewarded by the same jury for the “Best Phone 2010″ Hero with HTC.
A panel of judges consisting of industry analysts and consultants, professionals, trainers and other business executives, the awards GSMA awards each year. For more information on the 2011 GSMA Global Mobile please visit: http://www.globalmobileawards.com
About GSMA
The GSMA – Global Mobile Awards – represents the interests of the global mobile communications. Covering 219 countries, the GSMA brings together nearly 800 operators around the world, plus more than 200 companies in the mobile industry, including manufacturers of keyboards, software developers, device vendors, Internet companies and publishing companies and entertainment.
About HTC
HTC Corporation (HTC) is one of the companies with the fastest growing mobile market and continues to lead the field of telephony. Putting people at the center of anything to happen, HTC smartphone creates innovative to meet the needs of people. The company is listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange under the title 2498. For more information, visit www.htc.com

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